Monday 20 May 2013


Once I was walking into a terminater base and there were tow terminaters grading the base but I had to get in because I had to destroy a big boom I had a gun but I was out of amoe so I had to doges and kick and punch
I got in I found the boom it and it was 100,m big I foned a trminater
gun I shoot the boom it was going to blow in 321 BOOM I escaped just in
time I hop that won't happin agin. By mitcell

Wednesday 8 May 2013

100 wc

Once I was in the us army. I was shooting VC. Suddenly an enemy was behind me and he had a knife. Then he cut my arm off then I got my shot gun out. I shot six bulleits in his tummy, it was mission accomplished but suddenly the pain in my arm made me scream really loud. By Mitchell